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Congratulation to Mr Rino W Putro
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Congratulation to Mr. Rino W. Putro
Congratulation to Mr. Rino W. Putro, who has succesfully completed and conferred the CPL International Certification Program from PASAS Institute (Singapore). Well done!
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ISO 370012016 AntiBribery Management System Training
 Training service red 1
ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System Training
Tujuan & Manfaat Penerapan ISO 37001:2016 antara lain:
1. Wujud kepatuhan terhadap peraturan dan perundangan Anti Penyuapan yang berlaku;
2. Membangun brand Perusahaan/Organisasi dan kepercayaan pada mitra bisnis dan stakeholders;
3. Membantu Perusahaan/Organisasi menciptakan dan menjalankan system yang diakui berstandar international dalam melakukan pencegahan, pendeteksian, dan respon yang benar terhadap tindak penyuapan sesuai standar ISO 37001:2016;
4. Meningkatkan efisiensi dan kinerja Perusahaan/Organisasi.

Dasar himbauan kepada semua Perusahaan BUMN pada umumnya dan Kontraktor Kontrak Kerjasama (KKKS) untuk mengambil Langkah-Langkah anti penyuapan dan penerapan Sistem Management Anti Penyuapan sesuai ISO 37001:2016, yaitu:
1. Surat Edaran Kementrian BUMN No. SE-2/MBU/07/2019;
2. Surat SKKMIGAS No.0989/SKKMA0000/2018/S0.
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Congratulation to Mr Hans Hanpin Yoshuara who has succesfully completed and conferred the CIDPLM International Certification Program from PASAS Institute Singapore Well done
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Congratulation to Mr. Hans Hanpin Yoshuara, who has succesfully completed and conferred the CIDPLM International Certification Program from PASAS Institute (Singapore). Well done!
Congratulation to Mr. Hans Hanpin Yoshuara, who has succesfully completed and conferred the CIDPLM International Certification Program from PASAS Institute (Singapore). Well done!
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Congratulation to MRS. FRANSISKA FELICIA NATA, who has succesfully completed and conferred the MMBA in Supply Chain and CPLSC International Certification Program from PASAS Institute (Singapore). Well done!
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Congratulation to Mr Satriadi who has succesfully completed and conferred the CIDPLMs International Certification Program from PASAS Institute Singapore Well done
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Congratulation to Mr. Satriadi, who has succesfully completed and conferred the CIDPLM's International Certification Program from PASAS Institute (Singapore). Well done!
Congratulation to Mr. Satriadi, who has succesfully completed and conferred the CIDPLM's International Certification Program from PASAS Institute (Singapore). Well done!
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Congratulation to Mr Widhiyanto who has succesfully completed and conferred the CIDPLMs International Certification Program from PASAS Institute Singapore Well done
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Congratulation to Mr. Widhiyanto, who has succesfully completed and conferred the CIDPLM's International Certification Program from PASAS Institute (Singapore). Well done!
Congratulation to Mr. Widhiyanto, who has succesfully completed and conferred the CIDPLM's International Certification Program from PASAS Institute (Singapore). Well done!
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