Congratulation to Mrs. Dyah Agitarini, who has succesfully completed and conferred the MMBA in Supply Chain's International Certification Program from PASAS Institute (Singapore). Well done!
Congratulation to Mrs. Aswaliaty Anwar Lape, who has succesfully completed and conferred the CIDPLM's International Certification Program from PASAS Institute (Singapore). Well done!
Congratulation to Mrs. FRANSISCA, S.Si.,M.M., who has succesfully completed and conferred the CPP's International Certification Program from PASAS Institute (Singapore). Well done!
Congratulation to Mr. IMRAN ANWAR LETSOIN, who has succesfully completed and conferred the CIDPLM's International Certification Program from PASAS Institute (Singapore). Well done!
Congratulation to Mr. SETYO PUJIONO, who has succesfully completed and conferred the MMBA in Supply Chain's International Certification Program from PASAS Institute (Singapore). Well done!
Congratulation to BUMN Procurement Academy participants - Batch: July 2022!
Congratulation to BUMN Procurement Academy participants - Batch: July 2022, who has successfully completed and conferred the CPP's International Certification Program from PASAS Institute (Singapore). Well done!